It is always a good time to invest in real estate. Fact. And because there is a clear indication of inflation ahead, in one form or another, one of the easiest ways to protect yourself long-term is to set in motion a strategy to ensure financial security. Viable real estate investments are the perfect vehicle.
When tracking how real estate trends are performing now and what to expect moving forward, and while the stall in the current global market presents unique challenges, Cyprus – and Limassol in particular – demonstrates a resilience that is hard to mirror elsewhere.
A sophisticated boutique real estate practice with an international clientele of high-net-worth individuals, trusts & institutions and discerning private investors, we blend our extensive experience with levels of individual attention that larger firms are hard-pressed to match. Importantly, our in-depth understanding of real estate law has been integral to the success of our firm.
Throughout Cyprus, and especially in and around Limassol, our masterful handling of real estate transactions has gained us an outstanding reputation. Leveraging our market knowledge, inspired deal-making, and diligent and cost-efficient service, we negotiate some of the country’s most complex and significant real estate transactions on behalf of clients.
We have particular expertise in the areas of residential projects, commercial developments, industrial sites and properties suited to the resort and leisure industries. Our services cover all transactional matters including buying and selling, helping to channel foreign capital into and out of Cyprus, joint venture strategies, managing funds, space leasing and ground leasing, urban renewal projects, hotels and development sites – where we represent major brands and global leaders.
In essence, our law firm is the perfect choice for real estate transactions that are complex, require speedy execution and closing, or involve multiple jurisdictions and stakeholders with competing interests. We are renowned for our ability to help clients get their deals over the line on time and on budget.
Our expertise extends to matters dealing with governmental and local authority licensing and permits, and especially with regards to the procedures to be normally observed with the Planning Office and the Land Registry.
Our expertise covers the following areas: